Our target audience
Demographic prospects are promising when it comes to the rising of Africa’s young, middle class and growing numbers of foreign visitors (business / leisure & tourism).
We aim to inspire Africa’s young, rising middle class to explore and enjoy the stunning locations their country has to offer. They will be infused with pride and energized to spread the word about the brand. Our family focus will meet the needs and demands of both adults and children.
We aim to attract foreign visitors by offering a suite of unique entertainment packages, educational programs and wildlife and watersport facilities. Foreign visitors will be inspired by the age old stories of the African culture with each one shaped in their own beautiful settings.
Establishing hotspots, creating networks
What sets us apart from other tourism companies is our focus on tourism infrastructure and networks. The before mentioned blueprint will utilize the country’s capital as main hub from which to depart to other tourism destinations, often located in more rural areas (the “satellites”).
Depending on the country’s natural features, the tourism network will consist of several destinations that are linked both physically and by theme. The network will offer a safe and smooth travel experience enabled by the latest ICT solutions.
Investors may consider investment in one or more of the Cultural Experience Parks or Residential Family Villages that we offer, or in the connecting infrastructure .
Supporting ventures
According to World Bank reports, the Leisure & Tourism Industry is a key driver for socio-economic progress; by creating job opportunities, encouraging entrepreneurship, forging regional collaboration and generating tax revenues. Our invetments do all that. And more!
Local communities and SMEs will be an integral part of the tourism enterprise. Capability development programs will be set-up to encourage the sustainable production of domestic agriculture and aquaculture and to ensure, through certification, a stable delivery of authentic high quality food to the Leisure & Tourism facilities.